The Results Are In! B2B Organizations Gain Competitive Edge by Optimizing Customer Experience Thursday, May 28, 2015; 10 - 11 a.m. PST ( 1 - 2 p.m. EST) ~ SEAHORSEGEOCITY LINEAGE


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Results Are In! B2B Organizations Gain Competitive Edge by Optimizing Customer Experience Thursday, May 28, 2015; 10 - 11 a.m. PST ( 1 - 2 p.m. EST)

The results are in! Business-to-business companies are joining the Customer Experience (CX) groundswell, and redesigning their organizations to put customers at the center of the equation. In a recent study of more than 100 B2B executives, CustomerThink and InMoment set out to explore how companies are developing Customer Experience Management (CXM) programs – from business goals and tactics, to best-practices and partnerships – to drive better business results.

Join CustomerThink’s Bob Thompson, Micah Solomon, best-selling author, contributor, and customer experience guru, along with Erich Dietz of InMoment on May 28 at 1 p.m. ET to discuss the study’s findings, as well as real-world examples of what B2B organizations are doing to harness customer-centricity as a competitive differentiator.

What you’ll learn:
Where organizations are on their CX journey
How customer experience programs drive business benefits
Commonly used tools and services used to assist with program execution
Who within the organization is responsible for customer experience programs
How organizations are acting on customer feedback
Challenges and how to overcome them

About the Speakers

Erich Dietz, Vice President of Business Solutions, InMoment
Erich has over 15 years of executive experience spanning consulting, business development, and solutions architecture. Erich primarily works with InMoment’s large, complex client organizations within their B2B, B2B2C, and B2C markets to architect and implement CEM/VOC programs that enhance critical business measures including revenue generation, operational efficiency, cross-channel service alignment, customer retention, base management, loyalty, and brand advocacy.

Micah Solomon, Author, Consultant and Keynote speaker
Micah is a leading authority on customer service, company culture, and the customer experience. He’s a bestselling author, consultant, and keynote speaker and his books have been translated in more than a half-dozen languages and are the recipients of multiple awards. Micah’s a regular contributor to and his expertise has been featured in Inc. Magazine, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, CNBC, and the Harvard Business Review.

Bob Thompson, Author, Keynote speaker, Founder of
Bob is CEO of CustomerThink Corp., an independent research and publishing firm focused on customer-centric business management, and Founder/Editor-in-Chief of, the world's largest community dedicated to customer-centric business. Thompson is a popular international keynote speaker, blogger and author of Hooked On Customers: The Five Habits of Legendary Customer-Centric Companies .

About the Sponsor

InMoment helps businesses improve customer retention and increase profits through listening, understanding, and sharing customer stories. Our Voice of Customer (VoC) solutions arm brands with real-time, actionable insights for customer experience (CX) improvement at all organizational levels. InMoment works with more than 300 brands in more than 90 countries.



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