'Get it right this time' 1 Day Seminar at Real Estate PWAN Homes Limited. ~ SEAHORSEGEOCITY LINEAGE




Tuesday, September 15, 2015

'Get it right this time' 1 Day Seminar at Real Estate PWAN Homes Limited.

Are you between the ages of 25 and 45, upwardly mobile and highly ambitious? 

Do you have aspirations to become a top real estate player (even with little or no experience) while earning significant income on a consistent basis? 

Do you know that there is a 16 million housing unit gap within real estate industry and you could help reduce this gap? 

Would you like to take advantage of the opportunities within the industry and make significant steady Plan B income which could exceed your current income? 

If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, then join us for a 1-day seminar organized by PWAN Homes Limited which would expose you to the benefits and opportunities within the real estate industry. 

The plenary session would be anchored by real estate experts who will share in their vast knowledge of the workings of the industry and provide deep insights on dealing with the challenges, technicalities and prospects of the industry. 

There will be a 30 minute Q&A session after the main presentation.

Benefits of the seminar are as follows: 
1. Knowledge sharing – gain thorough insights into technical areas in the real estate industry while acquiring new skills and competencies. 

2. Network with fellow newbies and experienced practitioners alike. 

3. Build business relationships with established professionals and hobnob with highly successful market players. 

4. Learn how to make six-figure monthly returns by being a player in the real estate market with very little capital commitment (under N50,000). 

The seminar will be hosted in a state of the art facility in Ikeja, Lagos state. We only have few unreserved slots available so if you will like to attend, please call +234 803 965 0035 or send an email to tosinoyewunmi@yahoo.com to book your slot. 

Attendance is without charge but strictly by invitation. All expressions of interest will be attended to on a first come first serve basis. We look forward to seeing you at the event.

PWAN Homes Limited is a real estate marketing company situated in Lagos, Nigeria. 
The company’s main goal is to make home ownership dreams a reality for Nigerians.
 This they do by investing in affordable and fast developing landed properties in key locations across Lagos State and selling/developing same for the benefit of potential clients. 
Having collaborated on property projects with a collective value of more than N50 billion across Lagos State and its environs, PWAN Homes is well qualified to add value to our existing, as well as prospective clients across the entire real estate value chain.
 The company’s website is www.pwanhomes.com.

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