Weed Wine The Latest In Wine Making. ~ SEAHORSEGEOCITY LINEAGE


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Weed Wine The Latest In Wine Making.

Green wine

As you may know that there are different types of wines which can be classified either by it taste or color. But the color of wine is one of the most easily recognizable characteristics of wine. So in terms of color we have white wine, rose wine and red wine. But have we come across green wine?
So recently, a trendy new green wine, ”Canna Vine or Pot wine” as some call it has garnered quite a bit of attention since it was produced in the U.S. This green wine, however, is more than just its color — it’s essentially the combination of wine and weed. Due to the fermentation process these wines undergo, the wines are less potent than you might expect. “The result is a mellow, physical ‘body high’ rather than a more disorienting mental high,” the Los Angeles Times explains.
Its important to note that this wine is not about getting a buzz. Makers of this wine says the Cannabidiol extract in their wine can help cancer patients, those with sleep disorders, glaucoma and people with schizophrenia. Its providing quality medicine to those in need in wine form, its what it’s really all about.”
Don’t expect to find it at your local wine shop anytime soon. Because California is the only state where this green wine is commercially available with a medical marijuana card. Canna Vine certainly isn’t the first one to create weed wine. As the Los Angeles Times reports, “Pot wine, also known as green wine has probably been around almost as long as there has been pot and wine.
As you might expect, weed wine doesn’t come cheap. A half-bottle of the green liquid might cost you anywhere between $120 to $400.


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