German Сollege Under Fire Over Contentious Burqa Workshop on 'Dress Code in Islam'
The course,
offered by the educational facility, has been viewed by many internet
users as contributing to the oppression of women.
educational center for adults in Dresden has sparked sharp criticism
on social networks over its workshop on Islamic face veils.The course, called "Headscarf and Hijab in Dresden — dress code in Islam" has been offered by the educational facility as part of its curriculum, with the support of the Dresden city authorities.
The one-day workshop is supposed to give participants an understanding of the "origin and meaning" of various female clothing in Islam.
"Colorful headgear makes one curious about its
wearers. Various colors, forms, binding techniques and materials give
hints about the cultural background [of those wearing Muslim face
veils]," the course description on the college's website reads.
However, what was apparently meant as an initiative to promote cultural diversity has instead caused sharp criticism among the German public.
These "pieces of clothing" (burqa, etc.) are used in Islam for the oppression of Muslim women! And you offer such a course, which is also funded by the city of Dresden? Or does this mean that women from other cultures who live here should slowly get used to such "clothes"?
We live in 2018 and not in the Middle Age. These cowls (burqas) are anything but curious. This ingratiation with Islam is just pathetic.
Do you also invite women who have been rejected by their families because they no longer want to wear burqas (or other headgear)?
This thing with the burqas can only be a joke, right?
One could have laughed about it if it weren't so sad.
When is there a course: "Trying on bikini for Islamists"?
Muslim clothing has been vividly debated across Europe over the last few years, following a heavy influx of migrants to the EU from African countries and the Middle East. As result of the discussions, several European countries have adopted legislation that prohibits wearing full-face veils in public.
For instance, a corresponding law was adopted in Austria in October 2017 and was hailed as a victory by those concerned by what they perceive to be a lack in drive among Muslims to assimilate.
Other countries, like France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Bulgaria and the German state of Bavaria have also imposed a number of restrictions on wearing face-covering veils in public places.
According to reports, Denmark might become the next European country to restrict certain types of clothing worn by some Muslim women.
A survey carried out by pollster Epinion on behalf of Danish Radio in autumn 2017 indicated that less than a quarter of the Danes (23 percent) believe that full Islamic headdress should be permitted in the Nordic country.
A ban on the burqa was previously rejected in Denmark as a violation of the country's constitution. Nevertheless, a ban has become more politically viable since a ruling by the European Court of Justice which allows employers to ban workers from wearing headscarves earlier this year.