Report- Russian Hackers in U.S. Election Meddling Dutch Spies Exposed
intelligence agencies reportedly tipped off the FBI about Russian
hackers they had been spying on for years, possibly leading to an
investigation into election meddling, Dutch media reported Thursday.
AIVD Dutch intelligence service broke into Cozy Bear computer networks
in 2014 and monitored the group’s movements through a breached security
camera, Dutch media reported on Thursday, citing six American and Dutch sources familiar with the intelligence.
how the AIVD became witness to the Russian hackers harassing and
penetrating the leaders of the Democratic Party [in 2016],” de
Volkskrant newspaper reported in a joint investigation with the
Nieuwsuur current affairs program.
spooks monitored a team of around 10 Cozy Bear hackers who worked from a
university building near the Red Square, according to the
hackers’ attempts to infiltrate a classified U.S. State Department
network in November 2016 prompted the AIVD to alert a U.S. National
Security Agency “liaison” based in The Hague, who reportedly passed the
information to American intelligence services.
AIVD intelligence on the Democratic Party hack served as “grounds for
the FBI to start an investigation into the influence of the Russian
interference on the election,” according to the joint investigation.