The Mystery Behind Black Race ~ SEAHORSEGEOCITY LINEAGE




Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Mystery Behind Black Race

The time is more nearer than ever the cloud has greatly burst on us. We can vividly see clearly the atmosphere is looking firmly clear. For years now we have been living in an undefined world, no one can truthfully define us.

More so, the great mystery in black race and the undenied fact of our speciality, we are black in race our ways can not be undermine nor our faith be disdained. The mysteries in our race can only be undermine base on the dirge and siege of it kinds.

We are black in race but not black in myth and strength, though wisdom is greater than strength.The other race can be boastful of their myth but that does not dispute our speciality, they have their wise we have our strength that is how God has created us. 

Also the difference is our gain and the sameness is our trades we are met to compliment each other. No race is superior to other but one race is resourceful than others and that is where the differences lies.

Our mysteries outdate us our act disdain us. Its was by way the black race find themselves in a siege of outdated and mysterious myth.

However, I wouldn't want to stress more on our path, but has an undiluted black race. I have been grace to see the end of perfections, looking at various oddities in our culture,customs, and governance. Every race is not free from itself acclaimed rightness, your rightness is our oddity and your oddities is our rightness vice versa.

Let me bring it down to my own very own vicinity,where we have gladiators and horrors. We are blessed with different ethnicities and various faith and diversified lifestyle. We are called to lead the rest of our race but our diversity does not permit us.

An entity with great minders and potentialist; anywhere we find ourselves our distinguish character distinct us. We were colonized and freed yet our mysteries dilapidate us. After many years of self governance yet our mysteries is our doomed, our diversity is the vice.

For three months now fuel scarcity has scored hatric from December, January, and February, since the start of this year lives have been wasted all just because of a mare cow, cow, recently a news broke out.

A snake swallowed thousands of million from a vault,yet an infidel would denied the historical fall of Man, Eve and the snake. For month now we have been discussing on cow and its rearer, other race are there looking on our to digitalized their world. Our race is here mincing on cattle colony and gaining another myth of power.

Our mystery as a race our entities is our cause. Having lived here I can defend and acclaim the realism in our mysteries and myth.

We are black not because we are dark, but because we refuse to secede and move for the rightful cause of lively hood. 

We as the leading race of our kinds the rest await our moves, their hopes depend on our change..

By:Oluwatobi O Alabi (jesutobi)

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