Nigeria 2019 Election: Time To Determine Our Stand.
I laughed but its seem true when I heard Nigeria is like a wife that only enjoys rape. How funny and undermining could this be for our noble Nation vested with greatness and glorious tiding.
While other concludes that Nigeria is like its daily news papers nothing changes. Repetitions and changes of culprits and locations of happens are the chief differences of the day. Since independence stories like vandalism, corruption, fuel price hike, scarcity, nepotism,and insecurities etc are the usual occurrence.
After practicing and evolving in different forms and systems of government. finally we landed into Democratic system of Government which gives room to our civil rights, like franchise and rule of laws. But that does not ends there our sovereignty as a nation can not be over emphasized.
So far so go we are enthusiastically awaiting our fifth Democratic election. The choice is ours we are left with the wheel of decision, whether to continue with the same route and same trains. The ball is in our court the power await us once more, we have heard enough this and that the decision is ours to make.
Some years ago they brought the train to us saying he is humble he has once struggle he never wore a shoe to school while he was small he understand the plea of the mass. Let go with him we calmly adhere with them, they tried and tried nothing was gained after their years of tilling we harvest nothing except to their poxes.
Another ship sailor stands at shore hoping to sail us through when they came they introduced a new route claiming to know it all they brought their own clue, come let trade a new part he is corruption free he has no luxurious life he is trustworthy let give me a try. We has a lamb and a horse with a bridle voluntarily we aligned with them, years comes and go the story line remains statics.
However, prior before now we have been hearing a word like this 'youth the leaders of tomorrow' but I asked has the tomorrow not yet come? No one was ready and able to answer my quest,knowing tomorrow may never comes. For sure the tomorrow of our noble country Nigeria is near and fast approaching we have the power with us now to rewrite our history.
Let shun all of forms of sameness they know our to get our votes. Don't collect bribe or goods they who gives you things when they need your power we use that power you sell to hit your head, they will give you a kobo and take a million from you its their way its clear to us now.
Let us give the throne to our tomorrow peoples what yesterday peoples has done is okay, the dynamic of the world is calling for tomorrow and able.
Nigerians have heard it all we are tired and we want the true democracy we crave for.
I stand with the new Nigeria.
I stand with the new Nigeria.
Oluwatobi O Alabi ( jesutobi)
Oluwatobi O Alabi ( jesutobi)