Joke from us,put a smile on your face
Wife thinks:
Why is he not talking to me?
Is he thinking of another woman?
Is he seeing someone else?
Don't I appeal to him anymore?
Is he trying to dump me?
Is he now finding me ugly?
Am I not sweet anymore in bed?
Does my makeup repel him these
WHY IS HE UPSET? ��������������������������
Husband thinks:
How on earth can Man-U loose 3-1
to Chelsea...
LUIS VAN GAAL MUST GO!! ����������������������
School Child ask his Teacher,
does honey have legs?
Teacher ask why do u ask that?
CHILD because always i hear daddy at night saying,
honey open your legs,....
Teacher fainted.
if u were d teacher wat will b ur answer and ur reaction?...
Hahahahahahaaaaaa ������������☺������☺